swagger|swaggers in English


[swag·ger || 'swægə(r)]

insolent manner, arrogant way of walking; proud and arrogant behavio

Use "swagger|swaggers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "swagger|swaggers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "swagger|swaggers", or refer to the context using the word "swagger|swaggers" in the English Dictionary.

1. That is a swagger stick.

2. Boastfulness: as in bravado, swagger

3. 38 synonyms for Bluster: boast, swagger, talk big, hot air, boasting, bluff, swagger, swaggering

4. None of the swagger this time.

5. And your posture, too rigid, no swagger.

6. He walked with something of a swagger.

7. Look Sampat... cut that extra swagger.

8. He walked in with a swagger.

9. A spark, a swagger, an aura of confidence.

10. Bravado is a Yelp maintained fork of digium/swagger-py for use with OpenAPI Specification version 2.0 (previously known as Swagger).

11. Don't swagger at my friend, speak to me!

12. Don't swagger just because you got the job.

13. He had a slight swagger, balanced by a certain Benignancy.

14. To win choosy females, male Bowerbirds swagger, croon, and…decorate

15. She walked to the front of the class with a swagger.

16. He walked out of the room with a self-confident swagger.

17. Being Dead has a kind of moody swagger to it

18. It's of no help to you if you swagger before me.

19. The Bombast, condescension, arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect

20. Understanding Apiary; Swagger in Apiary; Choosing the right format; Enhancing Apiary Workflow

21. Bernard left the room with a swagger, clearly pleased with himself.

22. Teen-agers wearing face masks swagger through small towns carrying Kalashnikovs.

23. The bombast, Condescension, arrogance and swagger all seems slightly silly in retrospect.

24. It's a swagger , a humbleness and a confidence wrapped into a single gaze.

25. Karlson is full of swagger when it comes to talking about his team.